OpenPAYGO™ Metrics
The free open-source standardised data-structuring protocol allowing for optimised metrics transmission

OpenPAYGO™ Metrics is a free and open-source API specification that provides standardisation of data from PAYGO-enabled devices. This allows connected devices to send usage data to a server on any operations management platform which can then retrieve information about their activation status and modify this accordingly. This data can be directly integrated with analytics tools and platforms like PaygOps, which allows for visualisation and intuitive analysis (e.g. via dashboards and graphs), or it can be sent to a server directory and stored in CSV raw file format before being downloaded and processed.
How does OpenPAYGO™ Metrics work?
OpenPAYGO™ Metrics is currently available as an open-source API download on GitHub. Interested parties in the manufacturing or distribution sectors can access this interoperable and free technology independently for installation without additional cost. SolarisLab provides integration and cloud infrastructure setup services, as well as testing and assisting with any eventual troubleshooting to ensure full functionality of OpenPAYGO™ Metrics on their devices.
OpenPAYGO™ Metrics data flows

OpenPAYGO Metrics data flow from water pumping system to CRM platform

OpenPAYGO Metrics data flow from Solar Home System to CRM platform

OpenPAYGO Metrics data flow from water pumping system to CRM platform

Why OpenPAYGO™ Metrics?
Our experience has taught us that, at times, data formats and languages are poorly optimised to work in areas with minimal connection reliability, which results in high costs for distributors and a significant amount of data being unused.
The majority of existing data formats were created only for each specific manufacturer’s device, so they only operate with each dedicated manufacturer's device data. However, OpenPAYGO™ Metrics is totally flexible and accepts any type of data (temperature, voltage, litres, etc) as well as automatically synchronising with any token.
How to implement OpenPAYGO™ Metrics
OpenPAYGO™ Metrics can be implemented in any device which has already been equipped with OpenPAYGO™ Token technology, as the OpenPAYGO™ Suite of technologies is conceived to be fully stackable and interoperable. Through the implementation of OpenPAYGO™ Token, a device can become Paygo enabled, allowing for metrics and usage-related data to be extracted.
OpenPAYGO™ Metrics is currently available as an open-source firmware download on GitHub, a platform that allows for free and open code sharing. Interested parties in the manufacturing or distribution sectors can access this technology independently for installation.
Our vision
SolarisLab initiated this project with end users in mind. Based on feedback gathered in the past 9 years from PAYGO users and manufacturers in the field, it became clear that it was not always financially viable for users in the market to cover the extensive costs of GSM data transfer from their devices to a cloud server. Consequently, by compressing this data before sending it to a cloud server for storage thus reducing data consumption, users of OpenPAYGO™ enabled devices to feel less of the impact on overall data transmission cost.
Looking for more information? Contact us.
Our technology is designed to be intuitive to integrate, but our engineers provide assistance when needed.
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